
Life affects us all. Wars are successful based on Victors.
Regret and Despair – just words in time. Lords and Knaves – pawns in a game.

Animals suffer, yet flowers bloom. Storms rage on, and fires burn bright.
Floods and quakes give birth to new discoveries. Loss and failure lead to new beginnings.

Mountains that cry of life and death. Valleys sheltering the passage of time.
Cliffs that speak with the awe of thousands. Gorges that carry the promise of life.

Sands that hold the universe in a grain. Like eyes that cry with the depth of unrequited love.
Rains bring the passion of dreams yet to unfold. With roads that lead to redemption and peace.

Walk in silence with your soul. Heart open to possibilities and people.
Emotions flecked with happiness and despair. The duality of life is bare.

Time to let go. For the future.

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